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No menstrual period no weight loss -

20-12-2016 à 13:36:57
No menstrual period no weight loss
Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Abnormal vaginal bleeding may not always occur from the uterus or endometrium specifically. It should not be brown to black and if it is then it needs to be investigated further. Over time with the decreased menstrual bleeding if anything there should be a decreased risk. It is important to ascertain whether the bleeding is related to a menstrual bleed or not. But us women are designed to have some sort of periods. The main reason why blood may appear these colors is due to degradation of the blood cells either due to exposure to air (oxidation) over time, the action of bacterial enzymes or exposure of blood to certain chemicals that may cause rapid degradation and discoloration. So in some cases we need that period to pass that tissue. Taking care of heavy menstrual bleeding does contribute to better overall sexuality so glad to hear of that as well. An imperforate hymen is where the hymen fully rather than partially covers the vagina and at the onset of menstruation during puberty (menarche), the menses cannot pass out of the vagina. But there are no specific studies I have seen that have focused on bladder infections and endometrial ablations to give us statistics to quote more specifically. Periods can be fairly easy, passing some tissue at a time, or off can come the whole lining in one piece called a decidual cast. This gal, brought me her menstrual cycle, all of it, as she passed it all at once. However, it should not persist for long periods. Brown Menstrual (Period) Blood and Black Vaginal Bleeding. Anonymous March 7, 2012 at 6:08 PM Is there any link between Endometrial ablations and reoccuring bladder infections.

Menstrual blood is usually bright to dark red and may or may not have some clots. In the rare case where a pelvic infection develops over time or in the healing phase there is a slight increased risk of bladder infection. Normally menstrual blood arises from the uterus when inner lining (endometrium) is sloughed off and expelled as part of the menstrual cycle. An old tampon or a tampon that is not changed frequently may also be a consideration. Reply Delete Anonymous July 8, 2012 at 10:39 PM I have had serious issues with endometriosis all of my life. MonaLisa Touch: The Issue of Vaginal Symptoms Even with the passage of time, many women still retain their youthful energy and enthusi. So lets start with basics: How much do we bleed and what are we loosing, and just what was this that the patient passed. The source of the bleeding may be from the vagina itself (including the vulvar), cervix, uterus (not only from the endometrium) and even the fallopian tubes. The presence of other symptoms like pain, discharge preceding or during the bleed, blood clots or pieces of tissue in the blood are all significant in identifying the most likely cause. A brown to black vaginal bleed in a pregnant women particularly if it is accompanied by abdominal pain should be investigated immediately. In older women, cervical stenosis which is narrowing of the cervix (or more correctly the endocervical canal) either obstructs or drastically slows down the exit of menses from the uterus. Reply Delete Gyno Gab April 20, 2012 at 8:18 AM A reader has asked if there is a link between endometrial ablation and bladder infections. And if we have a fair amount, we do need to pass that tissue. The initial procedure may be accompanied by a slight risk of bladder infection in the immediate treatment period of time. It may be due to the menses being retained with the uterus or even in the vagina. Reply Delete Gyno Gab April 26, 2012 at 2:40 PM Thank you for sharing your endometrial ablation story.

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No menstrual period no weight loss
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